
February 9

  • Page 12, exercise 1 (Choose the correct explanation for sister cities) and exercise 4 (read the text and complete the notes.

February 16

  • Do the copy (The one with the cats)
  • Decorate your envelope and write a Saint Valentine´s day card to a friend in the class.

February 23

  • Do the copy (Have got).
  • Study for the unit 1 quiz.

March 2

  • Do the project assignment (You can find the description in the Class Project section of the blog).
  • Study for the Mid-term test.
  • Do the following worksheet:

March 9

  • Do the copy (Page 22, the one with the Dragon)

March 16

Pre-teenagers 4 AM
  • Do the copy (Page 23, exercises 5 and 7 and Page 26).
  • Study for the second-chance test (the ones who have to present it).
Pre-teenagers 4 PM
  • Do page 29, exercises 1, 2 and 3.
  • Finish the class project worksheet.
  • Study for the second-chance test (the ones who have to present it).

March 23

  • Pages 30 and 31 (from the book), do exercise 4 ON A PIECE OF PAPER!!!
  • Practice your lines for the final project presentation (We will have a presentation rehearsal next class)
Page 31, exercise 2 audio:

March 30

  • Study for the final test.
  • Study for the project presentation. 

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